What does HackerNews think of AI4Animation?

Bringing Characters to Life with Computer Brains in Unity

Language: C++

It's not a full dataset per say, but you might be interested in Sebastian Starke's DeepPhase work [1].

[1] https://youtu.be/wAbLsRymXe4

[2] https://github.com/sebastianstarke/AI4Animation

character motion being the same old animations, just done/interpolated better

the only advancement I know of which got close to be implemented in games is https://github.com/sebastianstarke/AI4Animation (I think Sebastian worked with EA or some other big company at some point) - still haven't played anything using this though

Thanks for your thoughts, I actually have noticed and agree with most of them. This project is still a work in progress -- just wanted to share some initial results and get feedback from the community.

> Is this better than some sort of naive interpolation between animations?

The current implementation might not be, but the idea of procedural animation can very powerful. It eliminates a lot of manual labor of creating animations clips / state machines and also can account for realtime unpredictable states.

To see what's possible, you should check out the original demo that this project ported to the web -- https://github.com/sebastianstarke/AI4Animation

The original project had a disappointingly restrictive licence considering my taxes helped fund it: https://github.com/sebastianstarke/AI4Animation

What licence is this under?