What does HackerNews think of schism?

A self-hosting Scheme to WebAssembly compiler

Looks like Schism (https://github.com/schism-lang/schism) got part of the way there, but it unfortunately seems to be dead.
This was a personal project of a then-Googler, not a Google project.


Previous discussion with comments by the author, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16488605

I love E! Or at least the problems it is trying to solve. As you know Wasm also has a capabilities model. And it is fairly trivial to persist the Wasm heap, it just an array of bytes. I think Wasm aligns nicely.

Chez is a great Scheme, but it doesn't have a Wasm backend. I find https://github.com/schism-lang/schism very interesting.

As for C programs going crazy, well yeah. I did a thing where I would copy of the body of functions around in memory, it worked on some version of Linux and GCC, but only by accident. I would be much less comfortable doing this kind of circuit bending than modifying Python stack frames. If I were to achieve a similar goal in the future, I'd use TCC, generate C code and compile directly into memory.

Framehacks aren't going to do the same thing, and one should have tests for it regardless. Framehacks get you tail calls, stack scope and a bunch of other nice properties.

Happy Hacking!

There is a WIP unofficial project from developers at Google called Schism [1].

[1] https://github.com/schism-lang/schism