What does HackerNews think of sandstorm?

Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.

Language: JavaScript

> Another attempt is sandstorm.io but it was abandoned by the original authors.

Sandstorm is still maintained:



At Libera.Chat IRC #sandstorm . Welcome :)

Failed? Website looks open for business, and latest commit 6d ago: https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm

Agree that it sounds exactly like what OP is imagining, website even has the copy 'installing apps is as easy as on your phone'.

I also think Urbit is similar, but frankly I've always been too confused by the space analogies that project uses to be sure.

Sandstorm.io - https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm/

I do all my group collaboration with it, and am no longer subject to Google's whims about my data. Sandstorm predates 2016, but has really accomplished a lot in 2016.

Bozo here.


https://demo.sandstorm.io -- Try it. Takes 60 seconds.

https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm/ -- Source code.

https://apps.sandstorm.io/ -- Apps available today.

https://sandstorm.io/install -- Install it on your own server. Takes five minutes, including issuing free SSL certificate.

https://docs.sandstorm.io -- Documentation (for using, administering, developing, etc.)

https://docs.sandstorm.io/en/latest/using/security-non-event... -- List of actual app security bugs mitigated by Sandstorm.

What were you looking for, exactly?

On their github page, it still shows a warning about not using it for mission critical applications.


EtherCalc is really impressive! We actually have this running on Sandstorm.io and were planning to release our port later this week. You can try it now as follows:

1) Click "start the demo" at: https://demo.sandstorm.io

2) Open this link to install EtherCalc: https://demo.sandstorm.io/install/100cdd4f5eb0ad2110b98a81c5...

(You can also install on your own Sandstorm server, if you have one, by substituting it for demo.sandstorm.io. Instructions for setting up your own server are at https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm .)

Thanks to Jake Weisz for this port, and of course the EtherCalc people for developing this and making it open source in the first place.


Over the course of yesterday we had 747 demo users launch 952 app instances.

Currently we're on GCE for price reasons, though we're looking for good non-Google, non-Amazon options for our eventual release.

Sandstorm tends to be memory-bottlenecked since we're launching separate instances of each app for each user, although we make up a lot of it by shutting down instances when they aren't in active use.

I was super-paranoid about the demo totally breaking under load (having not tried this before), so I upped the server to GCE's largest-memory instance at 104GB of RAM.

That turned out to be completely unnecessary. It never used more than 6GB (and CPU was mostly negligible). Doh. Oh well, better to have spent too much than too little.

We also have a separate front-end server which does our SSL, so that our private keys don't reside on the same server as apps, just as an extra precaution. That machine is just a regular n1-standard-1 instance. CPU usage was in the single digit percentages there as well.

You can indeed run your own Sandstorm instance. There are installation instructions in our Github readme: https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm

Feel free to send me questions.

Only our hosting service is in closed alpha. The source code is all open (https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm) and there's an easy installer script (though it requires a Linux machine), so you can start hacking any time. :)
Funny that half the comments so far are people linking to their own projects in this space.

Yep, me too.

Try a demo: https://demo.sandstorm.io/demo

And here's the code: https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm