What does HackerNews think of everforest?
🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Color Scheme for Vim
Vim Script
Give everforest a try. They have both light and dark themes with a few variants for each. https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest
Everforest (both dark and light ones): https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest
I really like Nord. Another color scheme that caught my eye recently that I hadn't seen before is Everforest [1]. I find it similar to Nord in that it's pleasant without being too intrusive/distracting. Hoping it gains some traction & gets some more integrations. I've been trying to get it working for C/C++ in CLion myself (but unsuccessful so far).
I was a Gruvbox guy for quite a while.
I found Everforest a few months ago and really like it: https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest
Everforest has a nice warm light mode with a yellowish background. https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest
Dracula is a very well-crafted theme, but I can't help feeling like it makes my editor feel like a toy. I've gone a lot of different themes, but the only (dark) one that has worked out for me is everforest [1], with the following modifications:
vim.cmd [[hi Normal guibg=#111111]]
vim.cmd [[hi EndOfBuffer guibg=#111111]]
vim.cmd [[hi StatusLine guifg=#ccdc90]]
vim.cmd [[hi link TSLiteral TSString]]
vim.cmd [[hi TSField guifg=#c4b89b]]
vim.cmd [[hi TSTag gui=italic]]
vim.cmd [[hi TSTagDelimiter guifg=#859289]]
vim.cmd [[hi TSInclude guifg=#d699b6]]
vim.cmd [[hi link TSInclude Purple]]
vim.cmd [[hi link mkdWikiLink TSURI]]
vim.cmd [[hi link mkdWikiLinkStart Blue]]
vim.cmd [[hi link mkdWikiLinkEnd Blue]]
Notable themes I've kinda liked (but had some problems with for various reasons): moonfly and zenburn