What does HackerNews think of polonius?

Defines the Rust borrow checker.

Language: Rust

This is eventually going to be a feature-complete compiler, targeting a specific rustc version. I believe the plan is to use polonius [1], presumably as an "optional" feature so they can build a stage 1 without it, use that to build polonius, then build the final compiler with it included.

[1] https://github.com/rust-lang/polonius

As I understand it, Polonius is still intended to be the next version of the borrow checker.

The repostory is here: https://github.com/rust-lang/polonius

There doesn't seem to have been any meaningful development for well over a year.

There is some very recent discussion on Zulip which makes it look like there are at least two or three people interested in actively working on it.


Sometimes, what you're doing is unsound and so it must be forbidden even if you can't intuitively see why yet. Rust's diagnostics often show you why.

However, sometimes (and for an experienced Rust developer this might start to happen more often than "Oh, actually that was dumb" type situations) the problem is that the Borrow Checker doesn't understand why it's fine. The diagnostic points you at something, and you say "Er, yeah, what's the problem?" and, sometimes, there wasn't really a problem.

Non-lexical lifetimes were a big improvement in Rust, improving the borrow checking analysis so that more cases which are correct were allowed by the checker.

Polonius is one thing intended to further improve upon this: https://github.com/rust-lang/polonius