What does HackerNews think of NSwag?

The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, ASP.NET Core and TypeScript.

Language: C#

#4 in Angular
#13 in C#
#12 in .NET
#43 in TypeScript
NSwag does a wonderful job of generating TypeScript clients from OpenAPI specs. Definitely give it a shot before killing your current setup.

https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag (It sucks in any OpenAPI yml, not just ones from Swashbuckle/C#)

More prosaically (and judging from the description of the org), it's likely to be something like this:


Which has 1.7k issues, some of which are open for years.

I feel a bit spammy as I just commented on a comment a bit higher with the same thing, but NSwag will do the trick for you.


Works a treat and is open-source, integrates nicely with ASP WebAPI projects. Can even generate TypeScript clients with a choice of HTTP library (axios/fetch etc.) or even an Angular based client.

I've had success with NSwag for generating both TypeScript and C# clients. Highly customisable - maybe too customisable with the config being quite complex - there's CLI & GUI tools to generate configs though.


We use the C# client generator in our public sector project and package the results up within Nuget, works a treat.

Something a bit different but I'm a huge fan of NSwag recently.


We use it on a project at work in C# and I've also been using it personally on pet projects with TypeScript.

Allows you to automatically generate REST API clients based on Swagger/OpenAPI specs and is very customizable.

Really nice if building out microservices and you're wanting to communicate between each other or building web apps and want to communicate with APIs. Saves a lot of time writing code to make requests and handle different status codes etc. Automatically generates all the classes/interfaces with sane naming schemes etc.

Even has a GUI application to generate the configs also if you wish.