What does HackerNews think of tfs?
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/tfs
Worked stalled, though. Not compatible, but I was working on overlayfs for freebsd in rust, and it was not pleasant at all. Can't imagine making an entire "real" file system in Rust.
There was a lot of discussion in the past around TFS https://github.com/redox-os/tfs, my understanding is that effort has kinda lost steam.
I wonder how that effects the time horizon for maturity. I've always just assumed that a filesystem takes a good 10 years to be really stable. Maybe my assumptions are way off? Or the facts that its a reimplementation makes that matter much less? Didn't it take BTRFS around this length of be considered production stable?
Maybe if none of his work was actually published at all, then that statement would make sense (since it would literally be impossible to derive value from something that doesn't exist), but he's contributed documentation, schematics, etc, it's vaporware in the sense that it isn't a finished product and may never actually become one since he's not supporting it anymore, but if someone else sees what he's done (ex. https://github.com/redox-os/tfs), they might pick it up and finish it. ATM there are 500+ commits to that project, I find it hard to believe that if what he was doing is worth doing that those commits are completely worthless.
For example, Ticki wrote an early proposal for type-level integers, which everyone knows Rust needs eventually, but hadn't been able to work up a concrete proposal for:
Outside the core project, Ticki was involved with RedoxOS, an OS written in Rust:
Particularly the TFS filesystem:
TFS naver came to fruition, so RedoxOS still runs on its original filesystem, RedoxFS.
Why is this important? It isn't, any more so than the other 29 things currently on the front page!