What does HackerNews think of selectric-mode?

⌨ Make your Emacs sound like a proper typewriter.

Language: Emacs Lisp

This is cool! Also, reminds me of selectic-mode for Emacs:


Not quite as useful as this, but https://github.com/rbanffy/selectric-mode also makes your computer sound more serious.
The teletype/typewriter is one of mine. Ideally it'd be a Selectric (https://github.com/rbanffy/selectric-mode), but an electronic one would probably be an easier task.

Also much cheaper. Shipping to Ireland is horrendously expensive.

It's work-in-progress, but you can also emulate an IBM Selectric. Much classier and much, much more annoying.


Maybe not as graphic, but it's for Emacs (and works on Macs):
