What does HackerNews think of quicktype?

Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL

Language: TypeScript

#4 in C++
#16 in C#
#76 in Go
#20 in GraphQL
#33 in Java
#23 in JSON
#7 in Kotlin
#11 in Swift
#113 in Rust
#19 in Swift
#54 in TypeScript
This is a very intriguing problem!

Not trying to steal thunder, but quicktype (https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype) does all of thisā€“JSON schema or TypeScript definitions to de/serializers and types in nearly 30 languages at this point. Try it here: https://app.quicktype.io

Is there any plans to support model generation in future as can be done with JSON schema through something like https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype ?
Funnily enough, I'm trying this right now with a personal project using JSON Schema and quicktype [0]. It's phenomenal how it's nudged me to really think about the boundaries between components, and I get type-safe serialization code generated for free!

[0] https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype