What does HackerNews think of Pillow?

Python Imaging Library (Fork)

Language: Python

#61 in C
#164 in Python
#6 in Python
"down" could be a good name for a python image library plugin/extension.


SEEKING WORK (PROJECT/Open Source Support)

Remote: yes - UTC+1/Ireland

email: eric at wiredfool dot com

I'm a maintainer of the Pillow Project (https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow) looking for monetary support for it as an open source project. I'm looking for a company using the software who is willing to fund feature development or a support contract.

Technologies: Python, C extensions, Imaging.

You can in general write julia libraries in julia, wheres you often need to resort to C if writing Python libraries, e.g. https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow . Therefore the native ecosystem is growing rather fast. On the other hand, Julia has great c and python interaction so making existing work accessible is not so difficult either.