What does HackerNews think of mgmt?

Next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management!

Language: Go

#30 in Go
#19 in Go
I don't think it's good news, but why is anyone surprised? Nobody wants to pay for open source.

Companies want it for free, and individuals don't have enough luxury time to be able to do it themselves.

Prove me wrong and help patch or fund https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ and you'll have an even better replacement for terraform!

I don't think it's good news, but why is anyone surprised? Nobody wants to pay for open source.

Companies want it for free, and individuals don't have enough luxury time to be able to do it themselves.

Prove me wrong and help patch or fund https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ and you'll have an even better replacement for terraform!


Been grinding on it on the side for some years now. I make $0/month from it.

I really believe in the idea, so I'm just trying to get it to MVP so I can really prove what it can do. It's been tough finishing the lambdas portion of the compiler.

I need help with some patches to get it finished!

I didn't watch this video, but https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ has a core concept of streams of DAG's since the beginning. I came up with the idea, but if there's a greater commons discussing these kind of algorithms, I'd be interested for more people to get involved!
This is a weird "open letter" but okay.

I feel like Puppet, for whatever reason, has lost out on things and Ansible won, which is quite unfortunate as Ansible is just not as good as Puppet. I wonder if Preforce will be able to revive the interest in Puppet.

Anyway, if someone plans to move away from Puppet (I imagine someone will, because someone always disagrees with a buyout), I've recently found mgmt[0] which has Puppet-lang compatibility. A big plus (to me anyway) is that it's not Ruby based, and is instead written in Go.

[0] https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt

System automation is very “scripty” so the traditional tools have always been in scripting languages (chef, ansible, puppet, salt) and you can have lots of other peoples “code” running instead of doing it all yourself. That is sort of the appeal, enough other people use it so that you don’t have to do everything yourself if you don’t want to.

There are solutions in go, one that looked interesting to me was mgmt [1]. You can look into that if it is to your liking. There is a list of videos and blog posts to mgmt that you can take a look at.

Thing is, if you move away from the mainstream you will find less help and less pre-made solutions. Don’t overestimate the skill of the “average” programmer. For every brilliant programer there is somebody out there that just googles code snippets and haphazardly bashes them together to try to solve a problem. It is easy to reach you limits, if not in skill then in time and that is where a tool with a larger community can save your ass.

[1]: https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt

> And it is great that we could reason about our rules in that manner.

That's what I've been missing as well. Node-RED comes close, but is event based.

I've been thinking of implementing this kind of system. It has similar principles to functional languages or a reactive system like Mgmt[0]. But I foresee a few issues that would render potential simple formulae into complex ones. Things like keeping state on event based inputs (push-type wall switches), time based decisions and outputs that don't provide feedback on their current state.

If I ever find the time to get practical with the idea and work out these issues I might put it into a Show HN.

[0] https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt

Yes, have a look at https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ Not at a 1.0 release yet, but there's enough for you to have fun with. LMK
> I'd be curious what a better alternative looks like.


It's just not finished yet. with < 0.01% of the funding kube has, it has many times more design and elegance. Help us out. Have a look and tell me what you think. =D

cough how can you leave out https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ =D It's in golang, and is the only reactive DSL.
Thanks for looking out for us =D Link for any who's interested: https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ I and others have been working quite hard on it, so please come join us =D
Um, you've seen https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ right ;) Join us!
You should have a look at https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ Disclosure, I'm the main author.
I use the free travis to build https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/

It's 100% open source and there's almost no income (some github sponsors) for it. I guess welp we'll have to switch away, or have to constantly send "ask" tickets to get free credits :/

Many of us will be in this position.

Hey everyone,

  Location: Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Linux, Golang, Mgmt Config, etc...
  Résumé/CV: https://purpleidea.com/blog/2020/09/10/james-is-available-for-hire/
  Email: https://purpleidea.com/contact/
I'm the one that started https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/

I also run a mentoring program that has help aspiring coders to improve their golang skills. You might also know my technical blog.

Please reach out if you think it might be a good fit. Willing to relocate for exceptional opportunities only. Explore my webpage/github for more information on all of the above.

Thanks! James

https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ can dynamically add and remove vcpus to a running vm. Each change has sub-second precision, and a second https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ running in the vm can detect this and charge workloads accordingly if so desired.

There are videos of it happening, but no blog post yet.

I still prefer the Open Source edition of https://puppet.com/ to manage larger, diverse environments - which may include not just servers, but workstations, network appliances and so on. It's well established with lots of quite portable modules. But it can also be a bit on the slower side and comes with a steeper learning curve then some of the others.

https://www.ansible.com/ is surely a good solution for Bootstraping Linux cloud machines and can be quite flexible. I personally feel like its usage of YAML manifests instead of a domain-specific language can make complex playbooks harder to read and to maintain.

If all you do is to deploy containers on a managed Kubernetes or a similar platform, you might get away with some solution to YAML templating (jsonnet et al) and some shell glue.

I am keeping an eye on https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt which is a newer contender which many interesting features but lacks more complex examples.

Others like saltstack and chef still see some usage as far as I know, but I've got no personal experience with them.

I'm working on something called mgmt: https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/

It runs as a distributed system, and is reactive to events, both in the engine and in the language (a FRP DSL) which allows you to build really fast, cool, closed-loop systems.

Have a look!

I'm working on a new tool called mgmt: https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/

While I think it's a good fit for the general automation problems we face today, on of the reasons I'd say that it's more difficult to find solutions geared to an individual user's /home/ is that most people don't develop the necessary "resources" to manage those things, or that the tools aren't geared well to support it.

In mgmt's case, we can run rootless, and standalone very easily, so it might be something you can hack on. It is missing the same resources that many other tools are missing, so if you want something special for your /home/, then please send us a patch!


Shameless plug: https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt But I do think it's worth looking at! Full disclosure, I'm the main developer.