Powershell is cross-platform and runs on Linux and MacOS as well as Windows:
You can discover differences between Powershell and traditional shells as a Linux admin.
This was the reason why I learned PowerShell. It is the only shell that works on Windows/Linux/OS X (to those who don't know, it's open source now: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell ).
Every team I join is a mix of Windows and Mac users with the occaisional Linux user. This is the only shell that you can use to across all three without compromise. Otherwise I find that whatever platform is dominant writes the helper scripts and the others get shrugs and "figure it out". Now, you could try to write them in Python, which isn't the worst idea, but it's not a shell.
$Post = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31883209" -UseBasicParsing
$Link = $Post.Links.Where{$_.href -like "https://easylang.online/run/?code=*"}.href
$EncodedCode = $Link -replace "https://easylang.online/run/\?code=(.+)",'$1'
$Code = [Web.HTTPUtility]::URLDecode($EncodedCode)
Write-Output $Code
[0]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell, note that Windows PowerShell 5.x is installed on most Windows systems by default.For simple scripting I've switched to Powershell (formerly Windows PowerShell). It's OSS, you can use it from the command line and it's available on Windows/OS X/Linux.
I can't call myself a fan of powershell but if everyone switched I'd get used to it.
sh and bash both seem like they should die in a fire. They are full of foot guns that end up costing millions in breaches and lost data. The space think even bit Apple back in the day, they had some OS upgrade script that ended up deleting your entire hard drive if there was a space in the volume name.