What does HackerNews think of porter?

Kubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloud.

Language: Go

#48 in Docker
#56 in Go
#29 in Kubernetes
#25 in React
> it does seem like your target market are dev teams which are light on DevOps skillsets because you can run these systems for free with a modicum of DevOps chops on the team.

Managing infrastructure at scale is not trivial (otherwise, why would full-time devops engineers exist?), and that's why platforms like Porter exists to help companies scale more easily with fewer devops resources. It's the same reasoning as why so many developers like yourself use Fly.io - you could run your applications for free on an EC2 instance instead of paying fly.io/heroku/render a margin on top of it if you have a modicum of devops chops. Yet clearly, these platforms are bringing enough value in the axes of developer experience and reliability that justifies the additional cost for you.

RE your comment in the other thread about there being open source options: it's worth mentioning that Porter is also open-source (repo here: https://github.com/porter-dev/porter). If you want to use Porter purely as a UI on top of your own infrastructure that you are managing yourself, you are more than welcome to take it out on a spin with our OSS repository!

Porter (YC S20) | Full Time | Full-Stack Engineer | NYC or Remote | https://porter.run

Hey HN, I'm Alexander, co-founder of Porter. We're building Heroku in your own cloud - we let users link up their own AWS/GCP, point to the code they want to run, and then put the rest of the hosting process on autopilot (CI/CD, SSL, autoscaling, zero downtime deploys, infra monitoring, etc).

We're hiring NYC-based or remote engineers that are passionate about building tools for developers. As we're a fast-growing seed-stage startup, you should be comfortable with regularly shifting priorities and iterating at a very high (daily) velocity.

Tech stack: Go, Typescript, React, Kubernetes, AWS

If you'd like to take a look at our codebase, we're open source - check it out at https://github.com/porter-dev/porter.

Open positions:

- Kubernetes Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/45970

- Full-stack Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716

Please apply by sending an email to jobs [at] porter [dot] run or applying through https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716.

Porter (YC S20) | Full Time | Full-Stack Engineer | NYC or Remote | https://porter.run

Hey HN, I'm Alexander, co-founder of Porter. We're building Heroku in your own cloud - we let users link up their own AWS/GCP, point to the code they want to run, and then put the rest of the hosting process on autopilot (CI/CD, SSL, autoscaling, zero downtime deploys, infra monitoring, etc).

We're hiring NYC-based or remote engineers that are passionate about building tools for developers. As we're a fast-growing seed-stage startup, you should be comfortable with regularly shifting priorities and iterating at a very high (daily) velocity.

Tech stack: Go, Typescript, React, Kubernetes, AWS

If you'd like to take a look at our codebase, we're open source - check it out at https://github.com/porter-dev/porter.

Open positions:

- Kubernetes Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/45970

- Full-stack Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716

Please apply by sending an email to jobs [at] porter [dot] run or applying through https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716.

Porter (YC S20) | Full Time | Full-Stack Engineer | NYC or Remote | https://porter.run

Hey HN, I'm Alexander, co-founder of Porter. We're building Heroku in your own cloud. We let users link up their own AWS/GCP, point to the code they want to run, and then put the rest of the hosting process on autopilot (CI/CD, SSL, autoscaling, zero downtime deploys, infra monitoring, etc).

We're hiring NYC-based or remote engineers that are passionate about building tools for developers. As we're a fast-growing seed-stage startup, you should be comfortable with regularly shifting priorities and iterating at a very high (daily) velocity.

Tech stack: Go, Typescript, React, Kubernetes, AWS

If you'd like to take a look at our codebase, we're open source - check it out at https://github.com/porter-dev/porter.

Open positions:

- Kubernetes Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/45970

- Full-stack Engineer: https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716

Please apply by sending an email to jobs [at] porter [dot] run or applying through https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/43716.

Honestly you should checkout open source + self-host alternatives like porter (https://github.com/porter-dev/porter). I tried it in a project before and the developer experience was surprisingly good.
Hi everyone, I'm one of the maintainers of Porter (https://github.com/porter-dev/porter). We are building a Kubernetes-powered PaaS that runs in your own cloud. We consider Porter to be the next-gen successor to Flynn in the era of k8s.

We had the pleasure of getting on a call with the Flynn founders last week and learned so much from their experience. It was incredible to hear the first-hand account of the past 7 years building Flynn (seriously, what a ride). We took their lessons and advice to heart and hope to fill the void Flynn is leaving behind.

To the founders of Flynn and all contributors, thanks so much for building such an awesome project and paving the way. Porter is still in its early stage, and we're super excited to start sharing our progress with the community. Exciting stuff coming your way soon - stay tuned!