What does HackerNews think of penthouse?

Generate critical css for your web pages

Language: HTML

#9 in CSS
#50 in Node.js
Addy Osmani's Critical package

> Critical extracts & inlines critical-path (above-the-fold) CSS from HTML


Penthouse, the OG of Critical CSS generators

> Penthouse will return the critical CSS needed to perfectly render the above the fold content of the page


> Above the fold is an arbitrary definition because it varies by device

I mean, sure. But your critical path of CSS is never going to mean the whole page (unless it's a very short page). And skeleton components is objectively a completely different thing. Having definitions, even if "arbitrary," are important.

It is easy with a little automation :). In the build process, adding a step to calculate critical path css helps. This should probably be the last step and run on production post deploy. The calculated CSS is stored in redis which will be appended in the head for subsequent requests. This tool had inspired me to build this process at multiple orgs I have worked with https://github.com/pocketjoso/penthouse.

Agree on the async JS part but I guess browser makers will solve it soon.