What does HackerNews think of osmand_map_creation?

OSM data + open address data compiled for use in OSMAnd

Language: Python

While not ideal, I've found a usable solution.

This GitHub repo [1] has map files generated using OpenAddresses.

Load the appropriate one for your area and you can search using addresses in the normal format. They currently provide maps for North America, and are regenerated roughly monthly.

(Thank you pnoll1!)

[1] https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation

Try OSM. It is more reliable than google in performance now, believe it or not.

Address lookup is a shortcoming, and there's this https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation to help you get around that, and sometimes the routing algorithm used by Osmand in particular can be goofy from time to time, I can't speak to other clients. Finally, there's traffic, which is not a problem that can be resolved without collecting and processing data from all users, which I find unethical and so will live without.

Regarding the issues with search, this tool[0] uses OpenAddresses to facilitate more natural search.

This largely rectified the address search in OSMAnd for me, though it does not update automatically and so requires occasional reapplication.

Hope that helps!

[0] https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation

For maps, You should add Organic maps. People tend to like the UI more than OsmAnd.

Personally, I use OsmAnd with custom map files for better address coverage: https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation.

I just want to address 2 gripes I have with the article.

1) AOSP, not ASOP, you even spelled out the acronym and made this mistake twice,

2) OSM is phenomenal. OSM maps are not bad. IMO the accuracy, even in the US, is better than Google, particularly in rural areas. There's this project https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation also that bundles in address data from OpenAddresses, plugging what is the biggest gap that gave Google a de facto monopoly. IMO it is a very, very important project. The only things I can see being a problem for some people at this point is traffic data, which is not a problem for me, and POI which to me is a non feature, it's basically advertising. And you can do much more with it than with google, I have overlay maps for example that show me all public lands in the US and which department controls them, as well as a light pollution overlay map. I would recommend OSM for navigation over Google any day of the week even beyond the fact that it is FOSS.

Update: Just found this.


It seems to have full coverage in my city, and drastically improves address coverage in the US