What does HackerNews think of fullmoon?

Fast and minimalistic Redbean-based Lua web framework in one file.

Language: Lua

#9 in Lua
I second this. I'm a Java dev and so have been porting Spring Petclinic to redbean using fullmoon which is a Lua framework built on top of redbean by Paul Kulchenko (who also is the author of ZeroBrane studio - a nice lightweight Lua ide which I have been using).


So far it's been a lovely experience and Paul is super responsive. Redbean is massively faster at startup so I can build/bounce to do hot reload in real time basically where the spring app takes about 6 seconds to start up.

You can use the excellent fullmoon framework that takes care of a lot for you


Then using lua is not much different than python/flask

My goal is similar to Joseph's (a platform for local first applications using CRDTs), but the approach is slightly different, as I'm building it based on SQLite synchronization using its session extension (https://www.sqlite.org/sessionintro.html) as the encoding mechanism. I plan to incorporate this sync functionality into my web framework (https://github.com/pkulchenko/fullmoon) to allow any application built with it to become "sync-enabled" with just a couple of additional lines of code.
A nice way to debug is just what we needed.

Paul has been very foundational to a positive spirit in the cosmo/redbean community. Besides this cool work, they're also the author of fullmoon, a web framework for redbean


I've been having a lot of fun with this developing tiny webapps using Fullmoon[1]. I love Lua, but I frequently bounce between a Windows PC and a Linux PC. Having redbean + Fullmoon has made it a breeze switching back and forth without having to deal with system Lua installs. SQLite and the thorough amount of built-ins[2] is also a dream. Lua also has a lovingly awesome hobbyist community, so having another outlet for me to leverage that ecosystem is great.

[1] https://github.com/pkulchenko/fullmoon

[2] https://redbean.dev/#functions

> Is Lua backend-able?

I'd say yes; I've been using it to develop https://github.com/pkulchenko/fullmoon, which is a redbean-based webframework written in Lua.