What does HackerNews think of hohser?

Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results

Language: TypeScript

#7 in Google
I currently use an add-on to block search engine results (Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results[1]) so Kagi sounded interesting, but the free tier having a limit of 50 searches puts it out of the realm of even giving it a trial period for me.

I really like the idea about a sort of global blacklist for your permissions.

[1] https://github.com/pistom/hohser

Right now I am okay with DDG. The amount of times I have resorted to tacking on the !g has only been decreasing, and lately I have found that if DDG can't find it neither can google. I also like being able to do the bangs directly in my url bar, it's a good poweruser utility.

I also use one extra thing, an extension called 'highlight or hide search engine results'[1]. I have first party documentation highlighted in blue, good community sites in green, lower quality sites greyed out, and content farms hidden completely. I've also been storing page highlights in raindrop.io[2]

Between the two of these I spend less overall time actually reviewing the search results and it is easier for me to return to good results that I found in the past.

[1] https://github.com/pistom/hohser

[2] https://raindrop.io/