What does HackerNews think of phoenix_live_view?

Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML

Language: Elixir

I do not have examples with me. But anything built with Elixir Liveview will be server rendered and will also be real time, with some gotchas though.


"HTML over the wire" generally refers to tech like [0] LiveView, [1] Hotwire, [2] LiveView, [3] Blazor, etc. They aren't about about ditching JS and more about not writing your HTML in JS (and yes, SSR).

[0] https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view

[1] https://hotwired.dev/

[2] https://laravel-livewire.com/

[3] https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blaz...

Alpine.js is seeing an increase in utility as it pairs nicely with htmx[0], Phoenix LiveView[1] and the likes for lightweight interaction that doesn't require the server.

[0]: https://htmx.org

[1]: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view

I'm one of the creators of lunatic and it's great to see it on HN again.

We have been working on a Rust web framework that builds on top of lunatic, called submillisecond[0]. It's still in alpha and there is a lot to be figured out. Currently, we are attempting to build something like Phoenix LiveView[1] for it. One of the drawbacks of LiveView is that it requires a permanent connection to the backend, but because lunatic uses WebAssembly on the backend we can actually move part of the backend into the browser to allow for low-latency and offline use cases. Hopefully, you will be able to "just write" rust backend apps, but automatically get rich user experiences with offline support.

A big struggle for us has been the translation of some of the dynamic patterns from Erlang/Elixir to the strict type system of Rust. Also, Rust can't fully understand lunatic's processes, because the language was not designed with a concurrency model in mind where each unit of work gets their own heap memory. So there is some de/serialization going on when pushing data between processes.

As someone else mentioned, lunatic extends WebAssembly with a concurrency model, networking support, permission system, distributed compute, preemptive scheduling. But it's also a whole system for executing Wasm. So you can from your running wasm app load external .wasm files and spawn processes from them with specific constraints (memory/cpu usage, filesystem access, etc.). Someone in our community is building a system that uses submillisecond in combination with a dynamic router that dispatches workloads to external .wasm files. As you can probably tell, I'm super excited about all the possibilities and the future of lunatic.

[0]: https://crates.io/crates/submillisecond

[1]: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view