I use hop[1] to jump horizontally. Hop can also be used with any other commands like v, d, c, y etc.
And generally if I know where I want to go, I would just search with / instead of doing jjjjjjjjj
How does this compare to Hop[0]?
When I open a file, I fold everything (zM) to get an overview of the file. Then I slowly unfold as I'm browsing, ignoring the parts I don't care about. I set the repeat delay super low and repeat rate super high on my keyboard and just navigate around by holding j/k or {/} (for large folds). Since everything is folded, you're moving about pretty quickly.
If you're looking to use the 20j stuff, you can `:set relativenumber` so that vim shows you line numbers relative to the selected line to avoid counting. I couldn't get used to it.
There's also Hop[0] if you want to go the plugin route.
Very intrigued, waiting for the wasm-plugins though.
There are a few plugins I cannot work without. It's nice they have tree-sitter and lsp out of the box, but I can't live with things like hop[0]
Acejump looks ace. I really love hop[1] for Neovim, and this is a good alternative for when I'm using PyCharm.
plugins like https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim help a lot in cases where it may be hard to tell how to jump to point X