What does HackerNews think of nude.js?

Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvas

Language: JavaScript

#76 in JavaScript
If you need a quick & dirty solution (that works for now), I suggest using [An Algorithm for Nudity Detection - by R. Ap-Apid](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249767252_An_Algori...). It has multiple oss implementations in [js](https://github.com/pa7/nude.js), [python](https://github.com/hhatto/nude.py), [ruby](https://github.com/rummelonp/nude.rb), [go](https://github.com/koyachi/go-nude), and you could probably find one in the language you're using (or implement it yourself). It works well enough™
SEEKING WORK - remote, based in Austria

I'm a JavaScript & Frontend Developer with a strong interest in data-visualization, product management, and mathematics. I'm currently looking for the next interesting client project. Throughout my 6+ years of industry experience I created a couple of popular open source software projects ( heatmap.js [0], nude.js [1] ), launched several web products, and consulted companies with their web strategies (don't hesitate to ask me about my portfolio)

I love to work on anything web-related with interesting challenges and aspects that haven't been done.

say hello at [email protected]

[0] https://github.com/pa7/heatmap.js [1] https://github.com/pa7/nude.js

SEEKING WORK - remote, based in Austria

I'm a JavaScript & Frontend Developer with a strong interest in data-visualization, product management, and mathematics. I'm currently looking for the next interesting client project. Throughout my 6+ years of industry experience I've created a couple of popular open source software projects ( heatmap.js [0], nude.js [1] ), launched several web products, and consulted companies with their web strategies (don't hesitate to ask me about my portfolio)

I love to work on anything web-related with interesting challenges and aspects that haven't been done.

say hello at [email protected]

[0] https://github.com/pa7/heatmap.js [1] https://github.com/pa7/nude.js

SEEKING WORK - remote, based in Austria

I'm a JavaScript & Frontend Developer with a strong interest in data-visualization, product management, and mathematics. I'm currently looking for the next interesting client project. Throughout my 6+ years of industry experience I've created a couple of popular software projects ( heatmap.js [0], nude.js [1], many more), launched several web products, and consulted companies with their web strategies.

I love to work on anything web-related with interesting challenges and aspects that haven't been done.

say hello at [email protected]

[0] https://github.com/pa7/heatmap.js\n[1] https://github.com/pa7/nude.js

Sure, it would be hard, there's some projects that might be able to help out however, e.g. https://github.com/pa7/nude.js. It's not an easy problem to solve but it's possible. You could also start the service with 2-5 of 1123581321's example or just 2-4 and wait to see what your customers request.
Someone has already implemented a nudity algorithm in js. https://github.com/pa7/nude.js

One step closer to Pohl.. :)