What does HackerNews think of overtone?

Collaborative Programmable Music

Language: Clojure

I guess it's impossible to know what you've seen before and dismissed as not having sufficient features/attributes/popularity. Or what types of project would cause you to dig in but here are a few innovative projects using clojure that represent a fairly diverse set of interests.

- https://github.com/overtone/overtone - https://xtdb.com/ - https://github.com/kennytilton/matrix - https://github.com/metasoarous/oz

Thanks. I don't know to what extend its "better-because-of-clojure" but I also found overtone https://github.com/overtone/overtone which should be good fun (though the underlying synthesizer is supercollider/C++).
Overtone is pretty great for being a programming environment where you can hear the results live as you evaluate code (https://github.com/overtone/overtone)

It's using SuperCollider under the hood (https://supercollider.github.io/) which describes itself as "A platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition"

You can pretty much achieve anything in terms of programmable music composition with Overtone/SuperCollider.

Overtone (https://github.com/overtone/overtone), for me, is by far the most elegantly designed music software.
For Clojure lovers there's Overtone (https://github.com/overtone/overtone), also created by Sam Aaron. Not sure if it's still maintained, however.
Sounds like you might be more interested in live coding. Overtone [1] can do what I think you are describing, and more--it's a frontend to SuperCollider, which has all the audio synthesis stuff you aren't interested in, but it can trigger samples fine. Of course, if Clojure isn't your thing, there are other live coding tools out there. I'm partial to Orca [2] myself.

[1] https://github.com/overtone/overtone

[2] https://github.com/hundredrabbits/Orca

Check out:

- r/musicprogramming [1]

- #opensourcemusicians on the Freenode IRC network [2]

- VCV Rack [3]

- Supercollider [4]

- Overtone [5]

- ChucK [6]

- Awesome live-coding [7]

- Muffwiggler Forum [8]

[1] - https://old.reddit.com/r/musicprogramming/

[2] - https://freenode.net/

[3] - https://vcvrack.com/

[4] - https://supercollider.github.io/

[5] - https://github.com/overtone/overtone

[6] - https://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/

[7] - https://github.com/pjagielski/awesome-live-coding-music

[8] - https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/