What does HackerNews think of odd-platform?
First open-source data discovery and observability platform. ODD Platform is based on ODD Specification.
You can find source code of our platform here: https://github.com/opendatadiscovery/odd-platform
We are 100% opensource, not only architecture but also implementation
Ok, we've changed the URL above to the project home page, since it gives more background info, from https://github.com/opendatadiscovery/odd-platform. Thanks!
Thank you!
We have a lot of repositories on GitHub, please feel free to pick any issue from the list. Do not hesitate to ask us anything in GitHub issues' threads or in our Slack community. I'll provide links for your convinience
1. ODD Platform GitHub: https://github.com/opendatadiscovery/odd-platform
2. Slack Community: https://go.opendatadiscovery.org/slack
3. Documentation with information on how to contribute: https://docs.opendatadiscovery.org/developer-guides/how-to-c...