What does HackerNews think of ocapn?

General planning and documentation repository for the OCapN protocol suite for distributed networked objects

There is also CapnP’s moral ancestor CapTP[1]/VatTP aka Pluribus developed to accompany Mark Miller’s E language (yes, it’s a pun, there is also a gadget called an “unum” in there). For deeper genealogy—including a reference to Barbara Liskov for promise pipelining and a number of other relevant ideas in the CLU extension Argus—see his thesis[2].

(If I’m not misremembering, Mark Miller later wrote the promise proposal for JavaScript, except the planned extension for RPC never materialized and instead we got async/await, which don’t seem compatible with pipelining.)

The more recent attempts to make a distributed capability system in the image of E, like Spritely Goblins[3] and the OCapN effort[4], also try for pipelining, so maybe if you hang out on cap-talk[5] you’ll hear about a couple of other protocols that do it, if not ones with any real-world usage.

(And I again reiterate that, neat as it is, promise pipelining seems to require programming with actual explicit promises, and at this point it’s well-established how gnarly that can get.)

One idea that I find interesting and little-known from the other side—event loops and cooperatively concurrent “active objects”—is “causality IDs”[6] from DCOM/COM+ as a means of controlling reentrancy, see CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId[7] in the Microsoft documentation and the discussion of CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING in Effective COM[8]—I think they later tried to sell this as a new feature in Win8/UWP’s ASTAs[9]?

[1] http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/index.html

[2] http://erights.org/talks/thesis/index.html

[3] https://spritely.institute/goblins/

[4] https://github.com/ocapn/ocapn

[5] https://groups.google.com/g/captalk/

[6] https://learn.microsoft.com/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-d...

[7] https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/combaseapi/nf-...

[8] https://archive.org/details/effectivecom50wa00boxd/page/150

[9] https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20210224-00/?p=10...

I'm excited by Cap'n Proto's participation in the OCAPN standardization effort. Can you speak to if that's going to be part of the Cap'n Proto 2.0 work?


A tough road ahead, I agree. Currently there is other work going, by the Spritely Institute [0] non-profit. They are working on standard specifications fo the Object Capability Network (OCapN) [1] and Cap'n Proto may align with that. Spritely's object capabilities vision [2] looks very promising. Their open standards approach is very early stages still [3].

[0] https://spritely.institute

[1] https://github.com/ocapn/ocapn

[2] https://spritely.institute/static/papers/spritely-core.html

[3] https://ocapn.org

> homomorphic and secure way

A lot of the sandboxing and security focus in Wasm makes sense. But the "capability-based security" mentioned at WASI spec [0] confuses me. For instance, when looking to what Cosmonic (an early adopter in Wasm fields) documents as capabilities [1] (e.g. 'messaging', 'http client', 'key-value store') it seems wholly different to concepts from the E programming language [2] by Mark S. Miller, that are finding their way in Cap'n Proto [3] and early work on the OCapN [4] unification effort. Is there any relationship to these, or are we looking at totally different approaches? Or is Cosmonic overloading the terminology of "capability"?

[0] https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI#capability-based-securit...

[1] https://cosmonic.com/docs/category/capabilities

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(programming_language)

[3] https://capnproto.org

[4] https://github.com/ocapn/ocapn