What does HackerNews think of library?

A collaborative documentation site, powered by Google Docs.

Language: JavaScript

This reminds me a lot of the NY Times' Library project: https://github.com/nytimes/library. You use an editing environment that people are familiar with (google docs), and you build organizational and workflow stuff around it. Library rendered the document content itself with a link to edit (favoring the reader use case), whereas Hermes embeds the google docs UI.

The lack of code blocks in google docs makes it tough for a centralized document repository for an engineering org. For companies using Quip it could work really well...except that I don't think quip lets you embed the editor like that.

Everything that's been built so far for Hermes looks cool. My personal opinion is that it'll need more UX iteration for it to really take off.

This is pretty awesome! If anyone wants something similar but for documentation check this out: https://github.com/nytimes/library
In addition to using Google Docs for articles that don’t fit nicely in the CMS, we also have our internal newsroom wiki powered by Google Docs, too. We’ve open sourced the code for that here:
