What does HackerNews think of kickstart.nvim?

A launch point for your personal nvim configuration

Language: Lua

Kickstart.nvim [1] is a good starting point. One big Lua file which gets you 90% there and shows what’s possible while making it easy to change/add stuff and getting started doing your own config.

[1]: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim

Ok I got you mane.. you have 2 solutions. By the way, there is a sort of "common" set of configurations that probably 90% of people have in their vim config, like turning off the bell and stuff. Obviously there are exceptions because those people know what they're doing, but my point is that don't give up on it until you at least try a common config to remove a lot of the basic annoyances.

Solution 1: Add this to your vimrc. This will make it so when going up and down, wrapped lines are properly interpreted and not skipped

``` " better up and down map j gj map k gk ```

Solution 2: If you want to make it where the cursor literally goes ANYWHERE in the document, including in space that doesn't even exist, do this below. I used this mode for a very long time and it's amazing. I only switched recently just to try something new to see if I like it more, and right now I'm just 50/50 on if its better or not

``` " allow cursor to go anywhere set virtualedit=all ```

Lastly, try using `vimtutor` from terminal and practice commands right there in your terminal.

And, if by "slow" you are talking about literal performance, try Neovim. Neovim is basically a fork of nvim that gets rid of vimscript (but still allows it if you want to use it) and instead implements Lua, which is an extremely (the fastest, actually) scripting language. (The other comment you asked about was a Neovim lua configuration which does the same thing as the vimscript version).

Part of the Neovim idea is that they also set a lot more "sane" default config thats more modern.

The best part about Neovim is that it supports LSP's in a much better way, so you can complete VS-Code like IDE experience, rather than relying on a complex array of plugins. If you decide to do that, check out lsp-zero for the easiest setup possible.

If you decide to give neovim a shot, I would 100% recommend using this: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim

I recently transferred 10+ year vim config to lua and neovim, and I saw people recommending this over and over. Because I wasnt familiar with it I thought "I dont need that, i want to start fresh". Well after doing that for nearly a month, I realized how good kickstart is, it REALLY is quite good, and does lots and lots that you would want without doing too much. I didnt use it, but i took tons of inspiration from it for setting up LSPs.

Let me know if you have any questions I'd love to not lose vim friend over something stupid like moving on long lines.

I went from VSCode back to vim via Neovim and it works great. I am setup for go and lua. I took a base config called kickstart and removed things I didn't need. Then I added things I do need. As for the community, the channel on Matrix is one of my favorite communities. Whenever I needed help, it came instantly and with precisely what I need. (They must be getting the same things a lot). They never suggested I use a big plugin to solve a little problem as far as I can remember.

All in all it looks like we had a wildly different experience. I suspect the real issue is that I like to work with vim a million times than I did with vscode. You might me biased the other way. I feel better on the command line and it's amazing how much people have figured out already to make things run well and look nice.

Kickstart nvim: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim


I started with this config. This made it a lot easier to start.

A much simpler alternative to this is kickstart.nvim. My approach to customizing my neovim config was to use kickstart as a reference, and slowly add things that I needed.


If anyone is looking for a middle ground between nothing and a fully-fledged project like Astro/Lunar vim, I'd really recommend kickstart.nvim


It's a single, well-commented config file that will provide you with a neovim that has TreeSitter, LSPs, Lazy, Telescope and a few other useful tools. It's intended to be customised and tailored to your needs.

I just used https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim. I did have my own config but I had it across multiple files and this one is simpler.

Astro is more of an attempt to replicate the full IDE experience. You can just copy-paste the above, and you are going (personally, I don't think nvim should be used like a full IDE, you really don't need the file tree or tabs, nvim has a better system than this).

This is a good example config to get started with nvim:


If you haven't tried again recently the neovim team has done a ton of work updating the documentation on nvim-lspconfig [1]. There's also projects like kickstart.nvim [2] which aim to provide a very simple starting point for new users. It's "batteries-included" neovim which notably includes LSP, TreeSitter, completion engines, and some basic git functionality.

[1] https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig [2] https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim