What does HackerNews think of InsideReCaptcha?

Reverse-engineering the new “captchaless” ReCaptcha system...

Language: Python

The GP post's IP address or other fingerprint may be validated from other Google properties they might have visited, so I wouldn't put so much stock in the 0.7.

Honestly... if it's the same team that did ReCaptcha 2.0, this is a team that pulls out all the stops. Per https://github.com/neuroradiology/InsideReCaptcha ... they implemented a freaking VM in Javascript to obfuscate the code that combines various signals. There's a lot going on here that's likely highly obfuscated and quantized before it's displayed to us.

EDIT: non-paywall link for [1] in the parent post: https://outline.com/aA7HS5

The answer is not just fluff. It for example links to https://github.com/neuroradiology/InsideReCaptcha where you can read more.
One of the more interesting references linked here was https://github.com/neuroradiology/InsideReCaptcha — apparently the reCAPTCHA JavaScript snippet uses an encrypted bytecode format running on a custom-built VM, which one intrepid person has decompiled.