What does HackerNews think of netbox?

The premier source of truth powering network automation. Open source under Apache 2. Public demo: https://demo.netbox.dev

Language: Python

#79 in Python
Pre-trained systems dominate AI today (as deep as the P in GPT). My team and I have been researching and building alternatives given how the hallucination, blackbox and other problems don't seem solvable within* the current paradigm.

One of our first applications is a network automation solution for Netbox-- locally trained AI Agents unique to each Netbox account to predict roles of newly added devices given the current local list of devices, like a context-aware autocomplete.

Agents are lightweight by design, this particular Netbox Agent is 40-neuron, and when hooked up demo.netbox.dev and consistently gets 80%+ accuracy predicting device roles even when trained on ~60 devices only.

Try it out: https://aolabs-netbox.streamlit.app/

You can use dummy data from demo.netbox.dev. More on Netbox: https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox

We'd keen for feedback, if this is useful, how we could extend it if it is, or if it sparks other application ideas.

* Somebody has to be the pre-trainer, leaving an irreducible gap of misunderstanding between AI and its application which we are trying to diminish by adding a layer of local training.

IT wise, It's been a fair few years since I've been in a department that does asset management, we used to use GLPI with it's warts and all, which got replace with https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox