What does HackerNews think of neovide?

No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust

Language: Rust

#55 in Rust
There's also Neovide which is written in Rust, which makes it, well, blazingly fast.


> To get Neovim kind of things to be anywhere near usable for modern day development work, you need to bolt a file browser, intellisense, command line section, remote editing section, container plugins, plugin installer, settings section etc etc on top of it


Neovim has multiple package managers. It has GUIs like https://github.com/neovide/neovide, it has support for LSP which can do something? Many people are comfortable with programming in an environment like that

It also has a terminal (even though if you use neovim you probably prefer to open terminals outside the IDE) and support remote editing too

Here are some links

https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim & https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug




I was mostly thinking about Neovide[1], which is active, but I've read somewhere that Neovim was planning on not supporting this idea (of multiple GUI frontends) and that they were going to focus on the terminal UI. Maybe that was wrong though, since it's still listed on the Wiki you linked, and Neovide is still getting new commits.

[1]: <https://github.com/neovide/neovide>

Earlier this year Keith Simmons, the author of Neovide (https://github.com/neovide/neovide), joined our team. He's been working on Vim bindings and paying a lot of attention to getting it right. As you probably know there's a lot of surface area, so this will take time.
I am trying to imagine what a page of code laid out by a professional designer would look like and I can hear a million programmers screaming bloody murder in my head about the thoughtful use

There are beautiful programmer fonts nowadays that look amazing on Apple's high resolution screens.

There are several GUIs for Vim/Neovim that take advantage of the GPU and the text rendering abilities of modern computers in general and Macs in particular [1].

And once you get used to seeing your code this way, it's hard to go back.

[1]: https://github.com/neovide/neovide

Neovide has many similar features as Nvui and is written in Rust https://github.com/neovide/neovide
Posting this from Vieb which I've been using for a few minutes. It looks like a pretty complete Vim UI implementation, down to splits, which work really well.

Ironically textareas don't have a Vim mode, hopefully that's addressed soon. I can really see myself using this.

Edit: kind of sad that the buffer/window dichotomy is not implemented, I'd really like a browser that allows me to manipulate webpages as easily as I can manipulate files in a Vim session, and do things like :bufdo etc.

Edit2: I wonder if it would be feasible to hack something like Neovide (https://github.com/neovide/neovide) with webviews instead of text editing buffers.

Edit3: I was wrong, buffer/windows work just like in Vim! This is great!