Neovim has multiple package managers. It has GUIs like https://github.com/neovide/neovide, it has support for LSP which can do something? Many people are comfortable with programming in an environment like that
It also has a terminal (even though if you use neovim you probably prefer to open terminals outside the IDE) and support remote editing too
Here are some links
https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim & https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
There are beautiful programmer fonts nowadays that look amazing on Apple's high resolution screens.
There are several GUIs for Vim/Neovim that take advantage of the GPU and the text rendering abilities of modern computers in general and Macs in particular [1].
And once you get used to seeing your code this way, it's hard to go back.
Ironically textareas don't have a Vim mode, hopefully that's addressed soon. I can really see myself using this.
Edit: kind of sad that the buffer/window dichotomy is not implemented, I'd really like a browser that allows me to manipulate webpages as easily as I can manipulate files in a Vim session, and do things like :bufdo etc.
Edit2: I wonder if it would be feasible to hack something like Neovide (https://github.com/neovide/neovide) with webviews instead of text editing buffers.
Edit3: I was wrong, buffer/windows work just like in Vim! This is great!