What does HackerNews think of nanos?

A kernel designed to run one and only one application in a virtualized environment

Language: C

#5 in Minecraft
#47 in Security
A couple unikernel projects that caught my eye in the past may be of interest to you. I have no experience with them, so I can't speak to their quality though.



For a while nanovms was based on Rump[0], which had terrible performance. The new version of nanovms[1] we haven't benchmarked but we should; having said that, even the founder says they "[...] have spent very little time benchmarking" [2]

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rump_kernel

[1] https://github.com/nanovms/nanos

[2] https://www.gula.tech/blog/files/135c832f92668268f1e9140a524...

You can also build from source here: https://github.com/nanovms/nanos && https://github.com/nanovms/ops .

There are also packages available through AUR/homebrew and the like: https://ops.city/downloads .

The script is only there facilitate the 'install' such as ensuring you have qemu installed locally or assessing whether you have kvm/hvf rights/etc.

Also, I don't think this is documented yet but you can target various PRs/builds with ops via this way:

ops run /bin/ls --nanos-version d632de2

You are correct. There are actually quite a few different configurations available on AWS alone - not to mention most cloud providers are very different. What works on one instance type on AWS won't immediately run on Azure without additional drivers.

Google Cloud is probably the most friendly one for hobby osdev cause they are based on KVM.

For instance when starting with https://github.com/nanovms/nanos (whom I'm with) we targeted the t2 instances first and it actually took a longer time to come up with support for some of the newer t3 instances because we had to add ENA and NVMe drivers.

NanoVMs | SF, NY, Remote (US) | Kernel Eng | Full Time

NanoVMs is building out unikernel tooling and infrastructure. We have open source at https://github.com/nanovms/nanos && https://github.com/nanovms/ops. We can run things like go and rust webservers up to 2x as fast on platforms like google cloud today.

We are specifically looking for more full-time kernel engineers so we can increase our velocity. We are well-funded by great investors and have revenue from extremely large customers.

You can submit here:


or just email me.

This is listed as remote but it's really just corona remote. We have a very strong preference for those who are either in the Bay Area or willing to relocate. We do have an office that we intend to fill up. Second choice would be New York as we have engineers based there as well. We are open for remote anywhere else in the US for now so don't be shy if you're 50 miles from nowhere in WY as long as you have a great internet connection and the mad skills.

We've found some of our great engineers have backgrounds coming from {networking, storage} companies and traditional embedded backgrounds.

For the right candidate we can move extremely fast.

Also Nanos - https://github.com/nanovms/nanos for those who want to run go unikernels on gcloud || aws. (I'm involved in the project).
I use OPS https://ops.city which uses the nanos unikernel https://github.com/nanovms/nanos and since I work on it would appreciate any suggestions/comments/etc. on how to make it better.
Have you looked at https://github.com/nanovms/nanos yet? What you are describing is fairly close and this is under active development.
Nope, no linux. https://github.com/nanovms/nanos is a new kernel designed to run a single (linux) application as a virtual machine.
Little late here but yes nanos is Apache and found at https://github.com/nanovms/nanos .

It also runs rust very well.

two approaches i use -

each closure is a function which takes a number of saved arguments and a number of new arguments. construct a set of macros to define a closure structure. this structure contains a function pointer to the closure, plus all the saved arguments. another macro defines function to take the new arguments and construct a complete call to the handler function with the saved arguments. this solution carries the type information for all the arguments and flags at compile time attempts to call the closure with non-unifying new arguments. this general approach is from Sergei T and is used quite heavily here: https://github.com/nanovms/nanos

dynamically synthesize a function to shift the new arguments to the right in the call, and fill in the saved arguments from immediates. this is faster and application can use normal function calls, but its not type safe. working on a little c->c front end that maintains type safety

these are both really implementations of partial application rather than general closures. they are both heap based which allows them to be used for general callbacks without worrying about lifetime, but they become a big memory management problem.

with the exception of the memory issues - i think c+closures is a great environment for systems programming.

What do you think of what we are building @ https://github.com/nanovms/nanos ? We are all about taking things away from the general purpose operating system and only focusing on what is needed to run a given service in prod.