I like this app for interfacing with fdroid: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.machiav3lli.fdroid/
I also like this CLI for bulk downloading apks for initializing a new device over adb: https://github.com/mvdan/fdroidcl
To get releases faster there is obtanium: https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium
F-Droid is about user freedom, so there are clients that are more like Linux package managers, for example https://github.com/mvdan/fdroidcl
I've been trying to automate my smartphone configuration and backup lately.
I use a lot of apps from F-droid, and was pleased to discover fdroidcl: https://github.com/mvdan/fdroidcl
I now have a script that installs most of my daily driver apps using it, given ADB and developer mode active on the phone.
I'm using Syncthing to shuttle data between phone and laptop, and that's lovely, especially with the npm syncthing-hooks package installed.
If anyone has other tips on automating phone setup, especially in a plain-text, Git-friendly way, I'd love to hear about it.