What does HackerNews think of sl?

SL(1): Cure your bad habit of mistyping

Language: C

Their CLI is going to interfere with the other `sl` command: https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl

Whatever is to come of my cute animations!

[Think of the trains!](https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl)

Command name conflicts with the `sl` utility that has existed for decades.


If you want to teach a kid the command line, I highly recommend ‘sl’ as a first command - my two-year-old had never forgotten it: https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl
see also: https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl

(available packaged in most linux/bsd distributions)

I'm a fan of Steam Locomotive personally - https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl

> SL (Steam Locomotive) runs across your terminal when you type "sl" as you meant to type "ls". It's just a joke command, and not useful at all.

I like to add "install https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl" to my companies "Getting started" documentation to prank new hires. Great fun!
Not to be confounded with the other project of the same name (and with the same purpose) https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl
You probably aren't alone, since commands that punish you when you mistype exist. Check out sl[0] or gti[1].

[0] https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl [1] http://r-wos.org/hacks/gti

Not sure how well it works:

- Suggested `ls` for `sl` despite the fact that the latter [0] is a wonderful utility.

- `chomd` didn't yield any suggestion. Neither did `fskc`.

A similar utility that actually helps is thefuck [1].

[0] https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl

[1] https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck

I think the zsh-vs-bash debate is centered on minimalist vs. full-featured. For instance, the git completion example is very ugly in zsh to me. I know what git commands do, and I'd much prefer for the completion to take 1-2 lines total than one line per possible command, as in the zsh example. The prompt examples are similar -- my PS1 is

  local green="$(tput setaf 2)"
  local reset="$(tput sgr0)"
  export PS1="\[$green\]>>\[$reset\] "
And a multiline prompt, let alone one with right-justified elements, is pretty gruesome to me.

The first slides about availability on Macintoshes don't resonate, because I'm going to have MacPorts on any dev box and use that to install the latest. It's more likely I ssh to a server that has Bash 4 and no Zsh than anything else, so it also makes sense to know bash and have a good .bashrc ready to scp up there if I'm going to be doing a lot of work on the server.

zsh spellcheck is very annoying, thankfully it can be disabled. This is my preferred spellcheck solution ;^) https://github.com/mtoyoda/sl

All that being said, zsh is a really cool piece of software. It's one of those things I've always wanted to really stretch to its limits, but I've never been able to hang with it for more than a few months, which I doubt is enough time to really become accustomed to the workflows zsh allows (like the /u/b/... expansion example in the slides).