What does HackerNews think of jimtcl?

Official repository of Jim Tcl, an open-source, small footprint implementation of Tcl

Language: C

#10 in Java
JimTCL it's fun too, specially for embedded devices. No TK, tho, but you have SDL2 support. And network/TLS support too.


It happened to me as well, and that was the result: https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl

Libraries written for Jim Tcl became the foundation of Redis.

Try JimTCL, it uses SDL2 for "GUI"'s instead of TK, but it's as compatible (at code level, not TCL extensions, Jimsh uses its own ones) as TCL 8.5 so most stuff will work as is.

If you look at the examples, you'll find that writing a Chip8 emulator with JimTCL it's a breeze.


Though the contents of https://github.com/antirez/jim dates from 2009, Jim Tcl is actively maintained. You'll find the official GitHub mirror at https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl.

Edit: If this subthread got you interested, antirez's other Tcl projects are worth checking out. They are listed on his page on the Tcler's wiki: https://tcl.wiki/9497. I particularly recommend https://tcl.wiki/Picol, the tiny predecessor to Jim Tcl, and https://tcl.wiki/Sugar, a macro system for Tcl 8.4+. Disclosure: I maintain a somewhat larger fork of the former.

About Tcl and the embedded world, a few years ago I wrote a single-file Tcl interpreter that is mostly compatible with current Tcl implementations (something is missing like namespaces, something was added like anonymous functions):

http://jim.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/www/www/index.html (source code is here: https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl)

Now maintained by Steve Bennett, and actively used by some embedded folks.