What does HackerNews think of monodevelop?

MonoDevelop is a cross platform .NET IDE

Language: C#

#4 in C#
#15 in .NET
Confusing 'Show HN' post - title should perhaps say 'Archived - use VS Code' ?

From the OP download page "Visual Studio for Mac builds on top of MonoDevelop" [1], and the Install link points to Visual Studio for Mac, but this is now discontinued, in favor of Visual Studio Code [2]. The github repo is archived Oct-2021 [3].

[1] https://www.monodevelop.com/download/#fndtn-download-mac [2] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/mac/what-happ... [3] https://github.com/mono/monodevelop

Sure, just like Visual Studio Code exists for macOS and Linux. My specific argument was Microsoft is unlikely to release a proprietary IDE for macOS or Linux. Visual Studio for macOS is free and Microsoft open sourced Xamarin and Monodevelop [1] when they acquired it back in 2016.

[1] https://github.com/mono/monodevelop

When was the last time you tried MonoDevelop? Xamarin has put in a lot of work on MonoDevelop over the past year or so -- in fact, they just released a major new version (4.0) and even contributed a bunch of improvements to the F# bindings:

https://github.com/mono/monodevelop https://github.com/xamarin/fsharpbinding

BTW, F# also has emacs support, and from what I hear vim support is on the way:
