What does HackerNews think of PiFmAdv?
Advanced Raspberry Pi FM transmitter with RDS encoding
Raspberry Pi
The RaspberryPI can use one of it's IO-Pins to transmit a stereo radio signal including RDS (https://github.com/miegl/PiFmAdv). It's probably illegal in most countries.
Funny, in last weekend I was playing with various projects [0][1][2] based on the idea from this article. It was impressive how long range Raspberry Pi achieved even without the cable antenna.
They do work - transmit audio over the FM waves, but sadly the quality (buzzing noise) is far from expectations. Initially, I thought it is just my Raspi 3B, but when dived into the issues section on GitHub, I noticed more people were claiming they had similar problems. Do you know what could cause such degradation? Is there any better solution to transmit FM in a home?
Worrying fact is it also spams close ranges making them unable to listen. Have you applied any filter making it more stricter about the wave range it will take?
[0]: https://github.com/ChristopheJacquet/PiFmRds
Could a similar thing be done for FM transmitting? I've seen it be possible on the RPi GPIO, just not the ESP yet: