What does HackerNews think of winget-pkgs?

The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository

#125 in Hacktoberfest
> The problem is that the nature of Windows isn't to have this.

Interestingly, they're getting a version of it. The wingget command line package manager that windows ships with now has two sources, the MS store, and the winget community repo. The community repo is something anyone can submit to and it goes through some vetting process[1].

  PS C:\> winget search perl
  Name             Id                            Version                Match          Source
  Perl Formatter   9MSQVFZPRG3Z                  Unknown                               msstore
  Strawberry Perl  StrawberryPerl.StrawberryPerl 5.32.1001              Tag: perl      winget
  MAMP & MAMP PRO  MAMP.MAMP                     4.2.0                  Tag: perl      winget
  EditPlus         ES-Computing.EditPlus         5.6                    Tag: perl      winget
  XAMPP 8.1        ApacheFriends.Xampp.8.1       8.1.12-0               Tag: perl      winget
  XAMPP 8.2        ApacheFriends.Xampp.8.2       8.2.4                  Tag: perl      winget
  Sharperlight 5.4 PhilightPtyLtd.Sharperlight   5.4.60                                winget
  Wtils            Perlt.Wtils                   v1.0                                  winget
  Paperlib         FutureScholars.Paperlib       2.2.3                                 winget
  Teambition       Alibaba.Teambition            2.0.3                  Tag: paperless winget
  DingTalk         Alibaba.DingTalk              7.0.30-Release.6019103 Tag: paperless winget

It's not quite the same though, as there are different considerations when using a repository of things a unified group has decided should be included and built (or slightly modified existing) packages for and a repo where anyone can submit a package that will go through some level of vetting. In the end I still believe most this discussion is really about individuals and how much trust they apply towards different groups and sources and is not really about Linux or Windows in particular as much.

1: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs

The "app repository" is a github repository [1]. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It worked for appget, it's easy to audit, nobody can do any shenanigans without obvious traces. But the UX could be better, for example this is what publishing a new version looks like [2]. I guess we can always build a separate UI.

1: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs

2: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/pull/30035

Thanks again :)

I've bookmarked your gitea bc repo, not just for bc, but as an example of a neatly managed FOSS project, like providing performance comparison, fuzzing, project structure, the fact of using self-hosted gitea itself, etc

Skimming through [1], I see neither of Winget [2] nor Chocolatey [3] have any `bc` implementations as of yet. Maybe you can send them a PR? It may help adoption in other distros in the future.

[1] https://repology.org/project/bc/versions

[2] https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs

[3] https://community.chocolatey.org/packages?q=%22bc%22

Hope your implementation wins ;)

This[1] is the repository from which it pulls. It sounds like third-party repos are a planned feature. Basically, every package is a yaml file like this:

  Id: string # publisher.package format
  Publisher: string # the name of the publisher
  Name: string # the name of the application
  Version: string # version numbering format
  License: string # the open source license or copyright
  InstallerType: string # enumeration of supported installer types (exe, msi, msix)
    - Arch: string # enumeration of supported architectures
      URL: string # path to download installation file
      Sha256: string # SHA256 calculated from installer
  # ManifestVersion: 0.1.0

Doesn't look like there is field for dependencies of a package, but this is also a 0.1.0 release.

[1]: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs