What does HackerNews think of monaco-editor?

A browser based code editor

Language: JavaScript

#27 in TypeScript
Codemirror & vue. Chances are if you're using a code editor in a web app it's either Microsoft's Monaco [0] or CodeMirror [1], which is maintained by Marijn Haverbeke

[0] https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor

[1] https://codemirror.net/

What I meant was this:

"Please note that this repository contains no source code for the code editor, it only contains the scripts to package everything together and ship the monaco-editor npm module."


Is the browser editing powered by Monaco or something else entirely? https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor

Both repl.it and codesandbox.io seem to be Monaco based. This seems to have better support for VS Code extensions than what's available in Monaco.

On desktop this is [monaco-editor](https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor) It's actually the same editor behind VSCode but this is a version that runs in the browser rather than Electron