What does HackerNews think of elm-ui?

What if you never had to write CSS again?

Language: Elm

Even if treating this not as a roadmap to becoming a web developer, but more as a map of what an expert-level web developer might be familiar with, it's still scary.

Why does modern web development have to be so convoluted? Here is a wishlist of what I want from ONE language:

- A package manager like nix so that each project folder doesn't have to be hundreds of megabytes

- Static typing with minimally expressive (i.e. ADTs) type system, type inference

- Built in immutable data by default, so you don't have to pile on 3 different immutable data libraries

- A better alternative to HTML+CSS like Elm UI [0]

- One very high quality backend framework (exactly like Phoenix)

- One very high quality frontend framework like Elm but with better component reusability, that makes fewer allocations, and that compiles to efficient WASM

The benefits of a "one language to rule them all approach" should be extremely obvious to JavaScript developers who are following this approach with Node.js, React, etc. This huge mess of tools that they use now is a hairball of workarounds for JavaScript's many deficiencies. We essentially just need a better JavaScript.

[0]: https://github.com/mdgriffith/elm-ui

I'm building a mobile app using flutter, which has so far been an excellent experience. They've announced development of a web version of it - hummingbird (https://medium.com/flutter-io/hummingbird-building-flutter-f...) which I'll be keeping a close eye on. Not only is it a fundamentally productive toolkit to use, but sharing both business and UI code between all frontends (desktop, mobile and web) would be wonderful.

I've also heard some positive things about elm-ui (https://github.com/mdgriffith/elm-ui), which is on my todo list to investigate.