Although I don't use autosave, I don't think it matters that much with vim because you can always use undotree[0]
I use but if that's not to your taste there are many others.
[0]: [1]:
Also for fun, consider having your scroll wheel traverse time instead of space [2].
[1] [2]
> There might be plugins that somehow present this info in the interface.
The undotree vim plugin [1] does this, and gives both the file at the time as well as a diff of what changed.
It would be really hard for me to switch to an editor without persistent undo.
" persist undo history to file / across sessions
set undofile
set undodir=$HOME/.vimundo
" max out history length
set history=9999
set undoleves=9999999999
set undoreload=10000
(Don't forget to mkdir "$HOME/.vimundo".)Combine that with and you can easily walk the entire history of every file you edit.