What does HackerNews think of zsh-autocomplete?
🤖 Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh. Asynchronous find-as-you-type autocompletion.
Edit: A nice alternative based on ZSH's native featureset: https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete
Fig relies on free labour to add completions and does not support open-source completion formats
Fig is VC-funded and at some point will have to generate revenue for it’s investors - at your cost
don’t use Fig!
if you have zsh you can use zsh-autocomplete, which is no worse than Fig
edit: this comment was the most popular before HN moderators pinned it down, turns out Fig is YC-sponsored, so i’m not surprised
I could even have enabled real time type ahead completions with this plugin but i haven't (because i don't need this feature) : https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete
i use my current configuration on foot terminal (which itself is blazing fast and boasts fastest vtt parser) in linux and kitty terminal (which is very feature rich, even has terminal graphics protocol so that you can even run glxgears(opengl cube demo: https://github.com/michaeljclark/glkitty) on it) on linux and macos.
i am sure that other shells such has fish also have these features.
So, what benefits do i get on switching to warp? currently,i don't see any except few marketing words which aren't enough for me to start using warp.
I might be missing something but i am all ears.
It sometimes has some minor issues but a very responsive maintainer. Also integrates pretty well with other tools/scripts.