What does HackerNews think of pbf?
A low-level, lightweight protocol buffers implementation in JavaScript.
a few months ago i tested https://github.com/mapbox/pbf and while it was faster for deep/complex structs vs an unoptimized/repetative JSON blob, it was much slower at shallow structs and flat arrays of stuff. if you spend a bit of time to encode stuff as flat arrays to avoid mem alloc, JSON parsing wins by a lot since it goes through highly optimized C or assembly, while decoding protobuf in the JS JIT does not.
of course it's not always feasible to make optimized over-the-wire JSON structs if you have a huge/complex API that can return many shapes of complex structs.
- GeoJSON-VT (fast GeoJSON processing) https://github.com/mapbox/geojson-vt
- Earcut (triangulating polygons) https://github.com/mapbox/earcut
- Supercluster (point clustering) https://github.com/mapbox/supercluster
- vt-pbf (converting GeoJSON tiles to VT) https://github.com/mapbox/vt-pbf
- vector-tile (decoding vector tiles) https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-js
- pbf (fast reading/writing of protobuf) https://github.com/mapbox/pbf
- TinySDF (generating SDF from local CJK fonts) https://github.com/mapbox/tiny-sdf
- Potpack (generating sprite layouts) https://github.com/mapbox/potpack
- grid-index (spatial index for collisions/querying) https://github.com/mapbox/grid-index
- Pixelmatch (image comparison in render tests) https://github.com/mapbox/pixelmatch
- Polylabel (fitting labels into polygons) https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel