What does HackerNews think of manticoresearch?

Easy to use open source fast database for search | Good alternative to Elasticsearch now | Drop-in replacement for E in the ELK soon

Language: C++

#21 in API
#30 in C++
#48 in Database
#23 in JSON
#21 in MySQL
#44 in SQL
MySQL's full-text ranking capabilities are quite limited and AFAIK full-text wasn't a priority for them lately. The related article is "Rankings with InnoDB Full-Text Search" [1]

If it works for you - great. If you need more flexibility in terms of data tokenization, matching and ranking you can consider Manticore Search [1] instead of Elasticsearch since it's a continuation (a fork made in 2017) of the Sphinx search engine mentioned in the article on mysql.com and has a better integration with MySQL than Elasticsearch (e.g. you can use Linux mysql client or any programming language mysql connector to make queries to Manticore).

[1] https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/rankings-with-innodb-full...

[2] https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch

I don't see anywhere where they claim that it's faster simply because it's written in C++. They do mention that they make use of C++ to add low level optimizations that make queries faster and the memory imprint smaller, but any claims about performance in the readme are linked to benchmarks to back up their claims



> It's interesting to note that Elasticsearch and Opensearch are general purpose search engine, Solr as well. They are all powered by Lucene, the popular and performant search engine library.

Another search engine which can be considered general, is not based on Lucene and is not less powerful than Elasticsearch/Solr is Manticore Search [1]

[1]: https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch

> I would love to see some benchmarks by category :)

I'd love too. We started this work on db-benchmarks [2] , hopefully we'll have resources to continue it. Contributions are very welcome. It's 100% opensource [3]

[2]: https://db-benchmarks.com/ [3]: https://github.com/db-benchmarks/db-benchmarks