What does HackerNews think of turbo?
An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
yesterday I posted a link to another text editor - Turbo
https://github.com/magiblot/turbo which is built using Turbo Vision framework
Show them this, too:
Applications like tvedit were designed for MS-DOS, which offered full interaction with the mouse and keyboard, and many of them were commercial products aimed at a general audience. TUI applications from the Unix tradition, however, were designed for use in terminals with limited capabilities, and were aimed at more technical users (or were created by the users themselves).
User-friendly TUI applications in MS-DOS were succeeded by Windows applications, while the largest revolution in the last 20 years in Unix TUIs has been the widespread support of 256/24-bit colors and UTF-8. Hence the gap in usability between the two worlds.