This exists:
lxcfs is a FUSE filesystem that mocks /proc by inferring cgroup values in a way that makes other applications and libraries work without having to care about whether it runs in a container (to the best of its ability - there are definitely caveats).
One such example is that /proc/uptime should reflect the uptime of the container, not the host; additionally /proc/cpuinfo reflects the number of CPUs as a combination of cpu.max and cpuset.cpus (whichever the lower bound is).
As others also mentioned, inferring the number of CPUs could also be done using the sched_getaffinity syscall - this doesn't depend on /proc/cpuinfo, so depending on the library you're using you might be in a pickle.
We have to gaffer tape with AppArmor and SELinux to fix all the holes the kernel doesn't care about:
Solaris Zones are more designed and an evolution from FreeBSD Jails. Okay, the military likely paid for that:
Maybe it's Deathstar vs. Lego. But I assume you can survive a lot longer in a Deathstar in vacuum than in your Lego spaceship hardened by gaffa tape.
1: I have uttermost respect for anyone working on this stuff. No offense, but as a user sometimes a lack of design and implementation of bigger concepts (not as in more code, but better design, more secure) in the Linux world is sad. It's probably the only way to move forward but you could read on @grsecurity Twitter years ago that this idea is going to be a fun ride full of security bugs. There might be a better way?