What does HackerNews think of minisearch?

Tiny and powerful JavaScript full-text search engine for browser and Node

Language: JavaScript

#85 in JavaScript
I have spent many days searching for the best JavaScript implementation of full text search that handles typos (substitutions) well. Implementing a good indexing algorithm for this is not easy. In particular if you are indexing large amounts of text (documents) instead of short strings.

I settled on MiniSearch. [0] It is fast & small enough and fairly feature complete.

Afterwards I made a few contributions to improve performance and implement a better scoring algorithm. So I'm probably a bit biased now. Take my recommendation with a grain of salt.

Personally I think that OP's library does not perform searches, fuzzy or otherwise. It's much more similar to 'grep'. Try searching for "mario adventures". It won't actually find the most obvious results, because the order of the keywords in the search string must match the order of the keywords in the indexed text.

[0]: https://github.com/lucaong/minisearch

[1]: https://leeoniya.github.io/uFuzzy/demos/compare.html?libs=uF...

I quite enjoy minisearch[1] which is also 0 dependencies, actively maintained, and I expect would work well in a worker environment. I dropped it into a service worker and plugged it with a simple point in polygon script to enable geosearch for a recent project[2] and it played v. nicely.

[1] https://github.com/lucaong/minisearch

[2] https://github.com/theprojectsomething/re.places

I was looking for something similar (client side text search) and landed upon MiniSearch[0]. While it doesn't support some of the advanced features of lunr (like wildcard search), it was perfect for my needs. The accompanying blog post[1] explains the trade-offs pretty well.

0 - https://github.com/lucaong/minisearch

1 - https://lucaongaro.eu/blog/2019/01/30/minisearch-client-side...