What does HackerNews think of mvsqlite?

Distributed, MVCC SQLite that runs on FoundationDB.

Language: Rust

#21 in Database
#68 in Rust
This sentiment has been repeated in a few comments. But, why can’t the deno deploy implementation be reimplemented, by yourself, by running a foundationDB server with mvSQLite[1]? That shouldn’t require any changes to the code.

[1] https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

> This was on HN a few months back: https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

The lead developer on mvsqlite has since joined Deno...

Shameless plug of my mvSQLite [1] project here! It's basically another distributed SQLite (that is API-compatible with libsqlite3), but with support for everything expected from a proper distributed database: synchronous replication, strictly serializable transactions, + scalable reads and writes w/ multiple concurrent writers.

[1] https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

This project looks really exciting!

I'm working on mvsqlite [1], a distributed SQLite based on FoundationDB. When doing the VFS integration I have always wanted to patch SQLite itself, but didn't because of uncertainty around correctness of the patched version...

A few features on my wishlist:

1. Asynchronous I/O. mvsqlite is currently doing its own prefetch prediction that is not very accurate. I assume higher layers in SQLite have more information that can help with better prediction.

2. Custom page allocator. SQLite internally uses a linked list to manage database pages - this causes contention on any two transactions that both allocate or free pages.

3. Random ROWID, without the `max(int64)` row trick. Sequentially increasing ROWIDs is a primary source of contention, and causes significant INSERT slowdown in my benchmark [2].

[1] https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

[2] https://univalence.me/posts/mvsqlite-bench-20220930

The approach to edge-ifying SQLite taken in [1] looks quite promising - using FoundationDb as the storage handles a lot of hairiness.

1: https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

That DynamoDB VFS looks cool! I agree that the VFS api makes one think about plenty of crazy ideas. Someone is working on a VFS based on Foundation DB[0] that looks very promising. It was recently discussed here[1]

[0]: https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32269287

Came over this article as I was looking for interesting resources in the SQLite ecosystem. I'm building mvsqlite (https://github.com/losfair/mvsqlite), as an attempt to turn SQLite into a proper distributed (not just replicated) database. Check it out if you are looking for this kind of stuff!
Nice, I dug a bit and found the git repository:


Would be great to add this link to the body of your story to make it easy for HNers to get to the thing :)

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