What does HackerNews think of malloy?
Malloy is an experimental language for describing data relationships and transformations.
You sound like the exact target for Malloy, which was posted to HN recently:
This is the example at https://github.com/looker-open-source/malloy
query: table('malloy-data.faa.flights') -> {
where: origin ? 'SFO'
group_by: carrier
flight_count is count()
average_flight_time is flight_time.avg()
COUNT(*) as flight_count,
AVG(flight_time) as average_flight_time
FROM `malloy-data.faa.flights`
WHERE origin = 'SFO'
GROUP BY carrier
ORDER BY flight_count desc -- malloy automatically orders by the first aggregate
I don't see much value in this. This is not aesthetically better than SQL. It's also semantically better. This is just a different syntax that would parse to the same AST. And what's with the `?` for equality?!Thanks!
I agree that integrating with the DB would allow much more from a lang. But PRQL is a bet that languages which start there (e.g Kusto) get lost because it requires changing DB, which is really hard. I worry EdgeDB may hit this issue too (but I'm really hoping it works, and they have an excellent team).
As I think you're suggesting — you could imagine a language starting out as a transpiler, and then over time DBs working with it directly, cutting out some of the impediment mismatch.
Malloy [1] is another point in space — it targets existing DBs through SQL queries but can also ask for schemas etc while developing.