What does HackerNews think of minimp3?

Minimalistic MP3 decoder single header library

Language: C

#3 in Express
And for the other direction, there's minimp3: https://github.com/lieff/minimp3

I've used minimp3 to implement a MP3 player on a STM32 microcontroller. Works great -- it has no problem playing a 256kbps file at 80 MHz. :)

An MP3 decoder is actually relatively tiny: https://github.com/lieff/minimp3 shows that it can be done in ~30KB of code. It's everything else around the player, such as the UI, that takes up the bulk of the size.
He also recommends checking this one that is a clean re implementation, not the extraction of FFmpeg code: https://github.com/lieff/minimp3