What does HackerNews think of sshfs?

A network filesystem client to connect to SSH servers

Language: C

Interesting, I alaways assumed sshfs was part of OpenSSH, learn something new every day.

Also, looks like sshfs used in Slackware is abandoned.


A quote from the link, I wonder if this project will be the 'one':

>If you would like to take over this project, you are welcome to do so. Please fork it and develop the fork for a while. Once there has been 6 months of reasonable activity, please contact [email protected] and I'll be happy to give you ownership of this repository or replace with a pointer to the fork.

I also wonder if it was abandoned due to the RHEL re-orgs like what happened to bluetooth.

Since this is on frontage, a gentle reminder, dear reader, sshfs is looking for maintainers, and currently does not have any.


One could also use sshfs to access a remote SQLite DB file.


>But what’s the alternative? Local development with syncing back to a server?

I'd say this is a perfectly fine solution for a lot of cases. Not all, of course, like your iPad one sounds a great fit for mosh (and I'm gonna try it out!) But even a RaspberryPi can power a really powerful terminal.

You can use sshfs[0] to mount a remote drive over ssh. Obviously there will still be some lag - `ls` will require a round trip - but your local terminal will be much snappier.

[0] https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs

That comment was written in 2007 when the original suggestion would have been somewhat more acceptable. In 2019, please do not use plaintext FTP for anything at all if you can help it, especially for a setup involving personal documents or other data you care about keeping private. Every single syncing solution worth anything today, open or proprietary – including Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Syncthing, et al. – uses TLS or another strong form of transport encryption, and that should also be the absolute minimum bar for anything self-hosted, too.

There are many other better ways of building a Dropbox-like system on Linux these days than that advice, including the aforementioned Syncthing[1], but the appropriate update to that comment alone would be "getting a SSH account, mounting it locally with sshfs[2], and then using Git on the mounted filesystem".

[1]: https://syncthing.net

[2]: https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs

They probably are referring to something like SSHFS that allows you to mount remote filesystems over SSH using FUSE. I have tried this and it doesn't work well.


daily-ish drivers of mine:

- autossh - https://linux.die.net/man/1/autossh

- sshfs - https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs

- pandoc - https://pandoc.org/installing.html

- exiftool - https://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

- htop - https://hisham.hm/htop/

- tmux - https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki

- rsync - https://rsync.samba.org/

- midnight commander - https://midnight-commander.org/ (faster, than loop ing ls, cd .., ls)

Still trying to think about the others.

Tmux: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/

ts: http://vicerveza.homeunix.net/~viric/soft/ts/ (TaskSpooler) queue commands in different terminals

socat: http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/ -- Multi-purpose relay

most: http://www.jedsoft.org/most/ pager more features than less/more

sshfs: https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs remote filesystem using SFTP via FUSE

passgo: https://github.com/ejcx/passgo Simple golang password manager

rclone: https://github.com/ncw/rclone rsync for cloud storage

autosub: https://github.com/agermanidis/autosub Command-line utility for auto-generating subtitles for any video file

I just discovered the joys of sshfs which lets you mount whatever you can ssh/sftp into. What'll they think of next.. https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs
Would something like sshfs work for you?


Just mount your remote folder with sshfs [1] and enjoy your local toolshed :) . X forwarding is overkill when all you need is accessing files.

[1] https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs , packaged by your distribution

If that hard / soft link hides an ssh connection behind it, and the ssh connection is presented as SSHFS[1] (since that's practically what NFS is), then I really don't see much of a difference. Protocol, implementation, sure. But it's the same end result.

[1]: https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs

> But if you want to use a different editor, you're out of luck.

Back in the day, we used WebDAV[0] for remote FS access. This had some issues with file locks (with multiple users accessing the same directory) and cross-platform compatibility (mostly between different versions of Windows and/or Office), but most of the time it Just Worked.

Anyway, there are also other open source solutions like sshfs[1][2] available that sidestep those issues (as long as only one user is accessing the remote copy, anyway).

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV

[1] https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSHFS

I haven't used FUSE SSHFS in around 8 years. I'm sure it has improved a lot since then. I could imagine it handling file listing and stat better than other network protocols (cd/ls over ssh works well over most WAN connections). It looks like it now caches directly contents too (https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs). It probably wasn't fair for me to include SSHFS in the list since I haven't used it in so long. I was troublesome when I used it.