What does HackerNews think of awesome-lua?

A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources.

I believe there is a way to accomplish this without seeking input from people on Reddit or message boards for new domains to contribute to.

There are lists on Github that curate libraries native to a particular programming language. For example, there is a list for Lua (https://github.com/LewisJEllis/awesome-lua) and another for Python (https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python). Explore these lists to identify areas that may require assistance. Some of these lists have not been updated for years, so it is worthwhile to conduct additional research on the domain before undertaking a project.

I have personally completed a project using this approach, although I did have some background knowledge in that domain.

> Lua is small enough that newbie developers can understand its internals well and keep it in their mind.

This is, by far, Lua's best "feature". If you know programming you can learn 90% of Lua in 15 minutes (metatables and the C stack interface takes more time).

For a language meant to be used by non-programmers this is more than precious, it is essential.

Edit: my favourite Lua-enabled tools:

1) Hammerspoon, an automation tool for OS-X (like Windows' AutoHotkey) https://www.hammerspoon.org/

2) Openresty, Nginx turbo-charged in Lua: https://openresty.org/en/

3) Wireshark, a powerful network traffic analyzer: https://www.wireshark.org/

Many others at: https://github.com/LewisJEllis/awesome-lua

PS: on Windows I highly recommend the ZeroBrane Studio IDE. It is really fantastic.

For a couple of quick intros, try Learn Lua in 15 Minutes[1] and Learning Lua from JS[2]. For a bit more depth, try the Lua-users Tutorial Directory[3]. For serious depth, the two recommended by Gracana, PIL[4] and the reference manual[5], are fantastic. For an overview of the ecosystem, including some useful gamedev libraries and LÖVE-specific resources, take a look at awesome-lua[6] (my own, shameless plug).





