What does HackerNews think of otf?

An open source alternative to terraform enterprise.

Language: Go

#5 in Terraform
So should OTF become OpenTofuEnterprise ? https://github.com/leg100/otf
Not to be confused with related but different “OTF” which is the open source version of Terraform Enterprise:

https://github.com/leg100/otf https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34536663

I wonder if a non commercial Terraform Cloud "offering" like https://github.com/leg100/otf is "competing" with Hashicorp...
I've built an open source clone* of terraform cloud. Will it contravene BSL?

1. Under the hood, it runs the terraform binary.

2. Receives API calls from the terraform binary.

3. Uses a modicum of code from the terraform cloud SDK.

I think I've answered my own question with (1), which may constitute "hosting" or "embedding" a Hashicorp product.

* https://github.com/leg100/otf